playlist Music

terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2007


A vocalista italiana Maria Pia de Vito, que se apresentou na Reitoria da UFBa. no dia 15 de Junho de 2007, dentro do projeto "Jazz na Reitoria" em parceria com a SOJAZZ, enviou correspondência a Sergio Benutti (diretor musical do evento) agradecendo o apoio que recebeu por aqui. Eis alguns trechos do E-mail:

"Dear Sergio,
Finally I have some time to write!! I've been traveling and working quite too much, went from Scotland to France to London, and around Italy... I recorded a new work, too, and I'm exhausted!
I miss Bahia very much. I enjoyed every minute of it, and I want to thank you really a lot for your support and your help for my concert.
Thanks for the pictures, for the recording, and for introducing me to the wonderful musicians I played with, and Paula and her boyfriend (such a good musician!), and for the hospitality.
I went and visited your blog. Very nice!! I'll visit it often.
I will be back in Bahia, anyway, sooner or later. I loved so much the place and the people....
All the very best,
Maria Pia De Vito"
NR: "Paula", a quem Maria Pia se refere, é Ana Paula Albuquerque, nossa querida vocalista.

Volte sempre, Maria Pia. Nós também gostamos muito de você !

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